Node JS - What is it and Why we use it

Node JS

Node.js is an open source, a server-side script which runs on the top of Google’s open-source scripting engine V8. Node.js is fast, lightweight and efficient. It uses the asynchronous mode of operation, event-driven Input/Output rather than using the traditional threads or separate threads for each process. Node.js was originally written by Ryan Dahl in the year 2009. It is a cross-platform Javascript run-time environment that executes Javascript code outside of a browser. Node.js uses javascript for creating node applications or we can use any other language that ultimately compiles to javascript (like typescript)

Why we use it

  • Easy

    Node.js is quite easy to start with. It’s a go-to choice for web development beginners. With a lot of tutorials and a * large community—getting started is very easy.
  • Scalable

    It provides vast scalability for applications. Node.js, being single-threaded, is capable of handling a huge number of simultaneous connections with high throughput.
  • Speed

    Non-blocking thread execution makes Node.js even faster and more efficient.
  • Packages

    A vast set of open-source Node.js packages is available that can simplify your work. There are more than one million packages in the NPM ecosystem today.
  • Strong backend

    Node.js is written in C and C++, which makes it speedy and adds features like networking support.
  • Multi-platform

    Cross-platform support allows you to create SaaS websites, desktop apps, and even mobile apps, all using Node.js.
  • Maintainable

    Node.js is an easy choice for developers since both the frontend and backend can be managed with JavaScript as a single language.

Applications of Node JS

Node.js is used for a wide variety of applications. Let’s explore some popular use cases where Node.js is a good choice:

  • Real-time chats

    Due to its single-threaded asynchronous nature, Node.js is well-suited to processing real-time communication. It can easily scale and is often used in building chatbots. Node.js also makes it simple to build additional chat features like multi-person chat and push notifications.
  • Internet of Things

    IoT applications usually comprise multiple sensors, as they frequently send small chunks of data that can pile into a large number of requests. Node.js is a good choice since it’s able to handle these concurrent requests quickly.
  • Data streaming

    Companies like Netflix use Node.js for streaming purposes. This is mainly due to Node.js being lightweight and fast, besides which Node.js provides a native streaming API. These streams allow users to pipe requests to each other, resulting in data being streamed directly to its final destination.
  • Complex single-page applications (SPAs)

    In SPAs, the whole application is loaded in a single page. This usually means there are a couple of requests made in the background for specific components. Node.js’s event loop comes to the rescue here, as it processes requests in a non-blocking fashion.
  • REST API-based applications

    JavaScript is used both in the frontend and backend of sites. Thus, a server can easily communicate with the frontend via REST APIs using Node.js. Node.js also provides packages like Express.js and Koa that make it even easier to build web applications.